

  1. To access Settings, click on your profile icon at the bottom left of the Shopify page. From the list that appears, select Settings to access your account settings.

  1. Navigate to API keys in the side panel and click on API Keys.

  1. Click on Create Private API Key to start generating a new key for your store.

  1. You’ll see a field to input the name of your new API key. Enter Instant Audiences as the name to clearly identify this key for future reference.

  1. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen. Select Full Access Key to ensure that Instant Audiences has all the necessary permissions to function properly, and then click Create.

  1. Your newly created private key will now appear on the screen. Click Copy Key to copy it to your clipboard.

  1. Paste the copied key into the designated field below. Once you’ve pasted the key, click Verify to complete the setup.

  1. To access Settings, click on your profile icon at the bottom left of the Shopify page. From the list that appears, select Settings to access your account settings.

  1. Navigate to API keys in the side panel and click on API Keys.

  1. Click on Create Private API Key to start generating a new key for your store.

  1. You’ll see a field to input the name of your new API key. Enter Instant Audiences as the name to clearly identify this key for future reference.

  1. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen. Select Full Access Key to ensure that Instant Audiences has all the necessary permissions to function properly, and then click Create.

  1. Your newly created private key will now appear on the screen. Click Copy Key to copy it to your clipboard.

  1. Paste the copied key into the designated field below. Once you’ve pasted the key, click Verify to complete the setup.

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